What Is a SIM

The removable smart card called a SIM has a unique code number on it through which you are identified to the wireless provider. That is why you can put your SIM into any GSM phone and the phone will act as your phone. An analogous rule applies for the opposite case. Your phone can work, in theory, with any SIM. Therefore you can change the GSM wireless company but keep your present cell phone. However, some service providers lock their phones to work with SIMs issued by their company only. What you need to do is reverse that programming and your phone will work with any SIM.

Unlocked Cell Phones

Most users want to use their GSM cell phones with any service provider, anywhere in the world. The best part is that it is perfectly legal that you unlock your phone anytime you want. You should unlock your phone for three main reasons: - You want to keep your present cell phone but switch to another wireless company - You've changed to a different service provider but you want to keep using your...


Unlock Your Phone

You can easily unlock your cell phone and plug in a different SIM card to change service providers. Most phones can be unlocked by keying a secret and unique code into them. You can purchase this code from the internet for a $5 fee. There are other phones that require their...